Thank You SUSAN!
I don't think this is the forum for talking about gas prices. It seems that
a few people like to continually ramble on about this and other irrelevant
topics. I have seen where they have emailed to each other separately then
cc'ed this list.
Please Keep it to yourselves or get into a consumer chat room. In the past
week I must have seen over 100 messages related to gas prices. Don't vent
here. Go do something about it!
>From: Susan Hensley <>
>Reply-To: Susan Hensley <>
>To: Spitfire List <>
>Subject: Gas boycott
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:59:15 -0600
>Hey ya'll,
>Before you get so all-fired crazy about these gas-outs, remember two
>1) The people you are first affecting (and hurting) with this are
>Americans, and yourselves. When you refuse to buy gas for a certain
>length of time, that keeps money out of the service stations' gasoline
>pockets, so they therefore mark prices up (even more) on other things to
>recover those losses, hurting you, the American consumer. Don't forget
>service station owners are American citizens, and they need to eat and
>pay their bills just like the rest of us do.
>2) "Gas-Outs" here do not affect OPEC or the cartels since everyone buys
>about the same amount of gas, just before and after the gas-out. Our
>not buying gas here for 24 hours, or two or three days, won't bother
>them in the least. A large chunk of the cost of our gas is taxes and
>fees, *American* taxes and fees, and if those lose revenues, guess what
>-- again they find other ways to recoup them, hurting you in the
>process. Plus, OPEC and the cartels' business is *SO* big, a waver in
>the American market will be like dropping a pebble into a lake.
>Gas prices are just something we have to live with. If you are so
>worried about the price of gas, work on developing clean-air systems (to
>lessen fees on gas for that reason), down-sizing government (to reduce
>those taxes), and everything else we pay taxes and fees on when we buy a
>gallon of gas.
>We go through this every year, ya'll. Those of us who have been on the
>list a while have seen this topic come around each year with
>regularity. Let's just move on, okay?
>(I'm not an opinionated person -- I just play one in real life! ;)
>Just my two cents (plus another 37 cents for state and local taxes and
>54 cents in regulatory fees).
>Keep Triumphing,
>Susan :)