Thanks, Joe. It is in the region of the dipstick but, it's actually bad
enough that I can see it oozing out. The PO stripped ALL the pollution
stuff off (the air injection holes have bolts in them). I've already found
that if the dipstick is not shoved firmly back into place, it blows. I may
try a torque wrench on the region and see if I can safely tighten the bolt.
I 'stripped' one hole at the from of the block that have evidently been
helicoiled by a PO but it seems tight at that point (fingers crossed) so
perhaps I was a bit shy on tightening the rest of the bolts.
If torqing down doesn't do it, I was wondering it there was some more
tolerant sealant I could try on the gasket.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Curry <>
To: Chip Kigar <>
Cc: <>
Date: Saturday, March 18, 2000 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: oil pan gasket leakage
>I would be awfully sure that I really had a leak in the pan gasket
>before making another attempt to stop it. The place you mention sounds
>so much like the leak I had at one time. The "leak" was actually the
>crankcase venting its pressure out the dipstick tube. The venting
>carried with it oil spray which coated the exhaust manifold and the
>whole right side of the engine. It would be very easy to diagnose this
>as a leaky pan gasket.
>Are you running all the emissions equyipment on the engine? And if so,
>are you sure that they are all functioning properly? If the "closed"
>system is not breathing properly, you could very well be experiencing
>the same problem I was.
>If you feel that this is the case. let me know and I'll talk about what
>I did to fix it.
>Chip Kigar wrote:
>> I just completed replacing the oil pan gasket on my 1500. It had a
>> nasty leak right over the exhaust header which not only 'left its mark',
>> dripped onto the hot pipe and smoked. I managed the task with the engine
>> place and was successful... in moving the leak. I used 'versachem super
>> sure tack gasket sealant type 97' on both the vlock and the pan. Well,
>> a gonna try again. Does anyone have any comments or recommendation on
how I
>> can get it right the second time?
>> Visit my DYI circle cutting jig page at:
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