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Re: Glove boxes

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Glove boxes
From: "Terry L. Thompson" <tlt@digex.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 17:36:02 -0500
I took out my passenger side glove-box to mount a speaker in the corner (a
small 3.5"
midrange). But it freed up so much leg room...I left it out. Whenever I
have a passenger in the car, they always comment how much leg room there
is. (with female passengers you also throw in the added trivia that the
seat also reclines...<wiggle of the eyebrows>>).

I once bought a giant bag of pink styrofoam peanuts from Mailbox's etc.
(and some boxes which got stowed behind the seat.) The bag was about 3 and
a half feet tall and almost as wide in diameter. But because I had the
shelf out, it was able to fit.....It looked like I was driving with a giant
pink "Schmoo" for a passenger, but it did fit!

So long as you keep the support bar in place on the driver's side, I don't
think you'd
hardly notice that the shelf was missing. It's so obscured by the wooden
dash, I've had trouble digging pens and other things out of there! I needed
to go inside and get a flash light so I could find my mini-maglite that I'd
tossed in there!

Paperwork and maps go in my map case which slides down between the seat and
the emergency brake. Anything large has to go behind the seat or in the
trunk anyhow.

Of course, if you put your car on concourse inspection, you'll probably
lose points. But it's your car. Do what you want to it.

Terry   L. Thompson
'76 Spit 1500

At 01:29 PM 3/11/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Ok, we're getting there. While I'm waiting for the engine to be fixed (bad
>connecting rod bearing), I've turned my attention to the interior.  There
>are two 'glove boxes' in the pile of stuff to be installed, (the pile is
>getting downright small!). The passenger side went in with not too much
>trouble, but the driver side is a real bear ! Either the 'glove box' or the
>padded support bar but not both.
>So the question is, does anybody actually have a driver side box installed ?
>It's small, about the only thing one could put in there is a pair of gloves.
>Mine looks really good in the computer room, it will work well as a mail /
>bill holder.
>Ken C
>'72 MK IV (maybe on the road next week)

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