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RE: Gettin' 'er Fired UP!

To: "Greg Hendrix" <gahendrix@att.net>,
Subject: RE: Gettin' 'er Fired UP!
From: Atwell Haines <carbuff@nac.net>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 18:14:20 -0500
At 10:59 PM 03/05/00 -0500, Greg Hendrix wrote:

>  It is a manual choke.

Good, but look in the carb bore anyway.  Mine was a manual conversion from 
a water choke, and I had omitted a little o-ring in the rebuild kit (hey, 
the instructions SAID "you may have parts left over, this kit is for 
several variations of ZS carb")    Sheesh.

>FWIW, I NOW have the recurring problem of turning the key and.......silence.
>Nothing. Nada. Zilch. This is how my day Saturday started before I decided
>to replace the coil. I know that the coil wouldn't prevent the starter from
>turning (would it?!? Geez, I'm getting to wonder what I DO know!).

No, but what WOULD do that is a loose connection to the starter, including 
the all the solenoid wires. I had that once, and the problem was one nut 
that wanted to be half a flat tighter.  (Could be a bad solenoid too.  BTW 
the electrical feed for the ignition switch is thru the soleniod you know.)

>Am I right in beginning to suspect the ignition switch?

Could be.  But before spending money, check all the grounds especially the 
one from the bell housing tp the body.  And the starter Solenoid, and the 
big ground near the LF of the engine near the radiator.

Got a meter?  THAT's a good investment, a small $15 one is fine.

>Also, FWIW, this thing has a Lucas breakerless point system on it that's
>powered from the lugs on the coil. The only other connection there appears
>to go to the ignition switch.

Ugh, those things were really troublesome.  I went to a Crane XR700 ignition.

>Any additional insight would be much appreciated. The Prince strikes back.

I'm on a first name (as in #$%(&*^$@^%&**) basis with the Prince.   :)

He has been banished from my Spitfire for the most part...knock wood!



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