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Spitfire advertisements

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Spitfire advertisements
From: "Terry L. Thompson" <tlt@digex.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 12:15:00 -0500
I've taken some of the spitfire advertisements from my walls and have
digitized them to thumbnail images on my web page.
They're mostly 1500 advertisements. And I hope to have the dealer brochures
digitized soon.

If you click on the thumbnail images, they will spawn a larger image in a
seperate new window, (but the full-sized images are quite large, and I
would discourage anyone from using them unless you have a) a lot of time on
your hands or b) a large bandwidth internet connection (DSL, T1 or cable
modem etc.)


The "tire chart" with tire images from a dozen manufactures has been
compiled but I'm having trouble with some html source and alignment
problems. But it should be complete as is possible and on my web site by
next week. 

Terry L. Thompson
'76 Spit 1500

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