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Re: Squadron

To: "Richard Gosling" <rbgos@perkins-engines.com>,
Subject: Re: Squadron
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 10:55:24 -0800

As someone with aspirations of only driving my Spitfire locally for the
sheer pleasure of it, I'm not even really sure how relevent NASS will be for
me personally, given my driving habits and desire to stay local.  THIS list
on the other hand, is completely INDISPENSIBLE from my perspective.

By the way, should the Squadron desire another venue to discuss their
business without flooding this list, I just want you all to know that I
already have a permanent Spitfire message board set up on my page that so
far, is receiving very little use and is yours for the taking.


I have done nothing to promote the existence of this forum, primarily out of
respect for this list and other Spitfire forums that were established
previously -- however -- if an alternative is desired, I would be more than
happy to festoon my forum page with NASS logos and other markings if such a
venue is desired or needed.  I've got the bandwidth and a great interface
with advanced archive search features that might come in handy for someone.
Or not.  My whole point is that it's there if NASS -- or any other Spitfire
fans wants to make use of it.

Best wishes,

Jeff in San Diego
'67 RHD Spitfire Mk3 aka "Mrs. Jones"

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Gosling <rbgos@perkins-engines.com>
To: List, Spitfire <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 8:42 AM
Subject: Squadron

> As everyone is getting very excited (and rightly so) about the Squadron,
> a small plea from this side of the pond.  Someone else from over here
> (was it you Graham) suggested that it was not a good idea for the
> Spitfire List to become mainly a forum for Squadron discussions, for
> fear of alienating those who are not members (Squaddies?).  I've got the
> opposite plea - if the Squadron starts its own mailing list for
> club-related topics, please don't all abandon this list for stuff that
> isn't directly club-related!  I'd miss you lot, both for the technical
> and moral support, and the friendship!
> Richard and Daffy

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