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Re: Our Club

To: "Banbury, Terrence" <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>,
Subject: Re: Our Club
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 11:05:38 -0800
No flaming Terry-you're points were all very good!

Laura G.
Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!
----- Original Message -----
From: Banbury, Terrence <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>
To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 7:50 AM
Subject: Our Club

> Sorry for not getting in this skirmish over the weekend, but I was AWOL
> to a birthday, etc.  Sounds like you guys have really mapped out this
> mission.  I have quickly reviewed the discussion and will add my comments
> below:
> Club Name:  Is the club name dependent on some cute abbreviation?; (SNAP,
> NASTY, whatever)...I mean, what's wrong with SAC, or RAF, or USMC, or CIA
> KGB?  All recognizable in their own right.  The point is, the name of the
> club should not be at the mercy of being "catchy", afterall we don't need
> marketing "hook".  We're all gonna join ....right?  I think Joe's original
> name is the best...."The North American Spitfire Club".   I was thinking
> about global, but there ARE already Spit clubs in other parts of the
> so it makes sense to limit our "theater of operation".   $.02 ( Hey,
> my change?)
> DUES!!!  No dues...What will be done with the $$$?   Let's just put
> a hat, shirt, logo order one time, (maybe once a year as new conscripts
> arrive?) and be done with it.
> Membership:  Open to all Spitfires (even those with severe engine
> modifications; the X squad (this means you, Woodie!)), and GT6s owned by
> residents of, or located in North America (north of the equator).   The
> GT6's can be the Black Sheep squadron.
> Rank, etc.:   "Maybe you can work your way up in rank by the number of
> you have, the time you have been in the club, and any other criteria we
> useful.  "...  Too competitive, too military, and not consistent with
> I hope will be) an egalitarian group.  Nothing we do with this club should
> undermine the fellowship that I sense exists among this group.
> Newsletter:  Scott Hall has generously offered to handle this and he
> do so as he sees fit.  If he needs a little financial help, I think we all
> could sell a few "war bonds" to help out.
> Website: Patrick Bowen  ( send name and Spit info to  pbowen@mediaone.net)
> Same as above.
> Flight suits:  Ralph Jannelli;  all we need is a final logo design
> Logo:  I think Susan Hensley's comments were appropriate regarding TRF's
> design.  I guess, we are waiting for posting of logos to comment upon?
> This is a small attempt to solidify all the discussion and give a
> to the club.  I strongly urge that the list members who have volunteered
> their time and effort be given the final say as to how and what things get
> done.  Can we reach an agreement on this?
> Waiting for further orders....( and a sound flaming, I'll warrant!)
> Terry Banbury
> Mk III

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