I have to tel you that when my husband began to read this he was about to
have apoplexy .................... 'till he got to the end.
Elizabeth Jones
Comfort, TX
At 12:05 PM 2/1/00 -0500, Banbury, Terrence wrote:
>Every relationship has it's ups and downs and both parties share in them. I
>think you must assume the responsibility for this one, however, sir. Mrs.
>Jones was trying to tell you (in her own way) that things weren't right
>between you somehow. But you, being a typical male and wanting to rush the
>relationship along, just didn't listen carefully enough. The little noises
>that she issued failed to get your attention, so she had no choice but to
>cause a big scene in public. Personally, I don't think she is ready to get
>your relationship "down the road" just yet. Take your time with her. Show
>her you are willing to make a commitment to a lifetime of motoring mirth by
>doing the little things that make all Spitfires happy. Then she will be
>like putty (Bondo?) in your hands, willing to take you wherever you want to
>go. ;-)
>Seriously, though, glad you are ok. Wire wheels are a pain if they aren't
>100% right. Short road tests w/o the family is a good idea ( I know you
>didn't go far, but like the rest of us, once you got caught up in running
>the errands...you pushed it too far). Thanks for sharing the info...who
>knows, it may have saved a life. Press on!
>Terry Banbury
>P.S. A fire extinguisher is mandatory on all test drives. BTDT Ouch!