Thanks guys, but I'm not in this for a book deal (not that I'd turn one
down, but I certainly won't pursue it). The whole purpose of my site is
share my genuine, heartfelt passion for round-tail spits and help other guys
like me that don't know what in the heck they're doing, by showing them how
I did it. I think pictures are great, so I'll be adding lots of them.
I rebuilt my brake MC today and took pictures of the adventure that will
answer the questions that I had before I got started. I'll be publishing
them later tonight on
I ran into a couple of problems that ended happily. Details later.
Thank you again for the flattering posts. I'm humbled and grateful for the
positive thought and tremendous help that you guys have been providing me.
The Internet is a miracle.
May wonders never cease.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Jeff's diligence
> Toni Lopopolo, Literary Management
> 805-695-0369
> Fax 805-695-0369
> PO Box 50346
> Santa Barbara, CA 93150
> Representing all author and book rights, foreign and domestic, including
> media.