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Best engine cleaner - new info

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Best engine cleaner - new info
From: "Dave Terrick" <dterrick@pangea.ca>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 10:10:17 -0600
Hi all,

nobody's mentioned this one yet -

Get yee to your local Chrysler, ford, or GM dealer.  Ante up $40 or so and
buy a 5 gallon (?!?) jug of their proprietary engine shampoo.  Split it with
3 of your friends, if you like - or just be greedy.

This shampoo is almost jelly-like and can easily be applied with a parts
cleaning brush - which means it gets into the cracks and stays there long
enough to do its job.  It can be sprayed with an air sprayer (you know, the
siphon hose type setup off your air compressor) for even better results.
Rinsed with HOT water (yes, I know,  but why not build a "T" from your
laundry facility to the hose output) the motor sparkles like a steam clean.
Of course, if you warmed the motor first (good idea), even hose water at
normal pressure is just fine.   I swear by the stuff.  But, now that I'm
out,  I use Castrol Superclean at full strangth (purple cleaner stuff,
similar to simple green.  Neither of them are as good at caked on crap, but
we never let that happen, do we?)

The stuff is all the same but for the packaging.  It is biodegradable.   It
smells "nice", sorta like a detail shop. Which is, of course, where this tip
comes from.  A good friend of mine used to own such a shop and it was his
business to know what worked  quickly and at a reasonable price.

...same goes for their penetrating fluif (hi Joe?) for stuck bolts.

Dave T
North of 49.
no snow yet.
wish my car hadn't been tarped for 2 months!

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