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High Praise for San Jose Police Department

To: Spitfires Maillist <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: High Praise for San Jose Police Department
From: Vic Whitmore <vicwhit@home.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:39:18 -0500
This may be a little long but I have to express my gratitude to the San Jose
Police Department.

In September, responded to an ad in the Yahoo Classifieds for a Weber DGV and
Cannon intake manifold. Through e-mails with the seller, we agreed to a price
and shipping arrangements. I sent the money and that was the last I heard from
him. You may remember me asking for information about a Joe Mata of San Jose.
Unfortunately, there was no response so I was left in the dark.

Being hundreds of miles away and in a different country left me feeling quite
helpless. That was until I did a search for the San Jose Police. Yes, they do
have a website. And they have a High Tech Squad. I send an e-mail detailing my
predicament and Officer Muto responded. The end result is I have my Weber carb.

For those of you that live in the San Jose area, you should be justly proud of
your police department. They went out of their way to help me. Their forward
thinking with their network presence allowed me easy contact with the right

The moral of the story is that when the situation is bad, have faith, and turn
to the people you pay your taxes to. Although the amount of money was not
substantial, it was significant enough to take action.

To the San Jose Police Department I am very grateful. To Officer Muto goes many
thanks for a job well done.

Vic Whitmore
76 Spitfire
Thornhill, Ontario

Here is a copy of the e-mail sent to the San Jose Police Department.

Thanks, the long distance way.

I live in the Toronto, Ontario area and responded to an ad in the Yahoo
Classifieds on the Internet for auto parts. The seller and I agreed on the price
and terms of delivery and I forwarded the money to him. And that was the last I
heard from him. After weeks of trying to contact him by phone and e-mail, I felt
very helpless and was sure that I was duped. Being hundreds of miles away sure
didn't help either.

A search for San Jose Police on the Internet directed me to the High Tech Squad
and I e-mailed my predicament to them.

Officer Muto responded and we spoke to clarify some of the finer points. He
assured me that the matter would be investigated. Sure enough, he was able to
talk to the seller despite him moving to a new residence. As it turns out, the
seller appeared to be very lax in shipping the goods due to changing residence
and vacations. Subsequent to Officer Muto's visit, I have received the goods,
exactly as they were advertised.

I highly commend Officer Muto's actions in this matter. His diligence has
brought closure to this situation. The San Jose Police Department also deserves
high praise for their forward thinking approach to providing their services via
the Internet. A great job, well done!

Many many thanks,

Vic Whitmore
Thornhill, Ontario

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