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Re: Fw: Weber Carb information

To: Patrick Barber <patbarber@home.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Weber Carb information
From: Mike Ginter <mginter@concentric.net>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 21:53:35 -0700
Did I miss something?  I could use some good information regarding Weber
carb tuning (DCOE that is).


Patrick Barber wrote:
> Thanks for the information regarding the Weber carb tuning. Larry seemed to
> get it right.  Thanks Again!!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <Latq@aol.com>
> To: <patbarber@home.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 11:58 PM
> Subject: Re: Weber Carb information
> > From Larry Tomaszycki
> > to Patrick Barber
> >
> > I'll tell ya, it was fun reading the attachment, especially the one where
> all
> > of a sudden I had a full blown race engine running on the street. With
> this
> > tiny engine with huge carbs.
> >
> > But, seriously I do appreciate you forwarding my question.
> >
> >  I suppose the best part of all this is that in the meantime got the
> throttle
> > response perfect. It comes off idle clean all the way to 6500 RPM.
> >
> > In The mid range, I mean to tell you this car will pull 4th gear at 2,000
> > rpm, just the low response wanted, it actually chugs along like a steam
> > engine with steady power.
> >
> > And am at this point fine tuning to maximize gas mileage along with the
> power.
> >
> > Talk more to you at the meeting, and again thanks
> >                                                          Larry Tom
> > LATQ@aol.com
> >

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