I think that you are hearing a different noise when you turn the wheel by hand.
It is probably the differential gears turning. These do not actually move when
you are driving in a straight line.
I bet the real problem is the axle shaft U-joints, which go bad often.
But of course, it could be something else, or a combination of things.
Once I had my diff rebuild in an attempt to get rid of a horrible chattering
from the rear end. The problem turned out to be a seized-up joint in the
driveshaft (the strap type).
Doug Braun
>1) On slow speed turns, with the top down, I can hear a "clicking" or light
>"thumping" noise from the rear of the car. I had the rear on jack stands
>yesterday and I can feel the same vibration when slowly rotating either
>halfshaft--it seems to be coming from the diff, and the frequency (at least
>15-20 times per complete revolution of the halfshaft) to me rules out
>u-joints (although I have to replace one of those too, but that's another
>story). Please keep in mind that this is the low-budget driver in the
>family, noises and even some vibration I can put up with, but if the diff is
>about to seize I need to know. Topped off the fluid (again) while under
>there, didn't need a whole lot but it's obvious that a front seal is