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RE: Need to replace slave cylinder

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Need to replace slave cylinder
From: "Bollinger, Bob D. (BODB)" <BODB@chevron.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:43:52 -0700
I was having the same problem plus also leaking from the master cylinder.
The leaks were caused by the gaskets in both cylinders being old and
cracked.  I bought the repair kits for the master and slave cylinders and
they've worked great.  Basically it's just replacing all the rubber
gaskets....much cheaper than a whole new cylinder(s) if you don't need it.
While you've got the whole system drained you might want to think about
replacing your master cylinder seals also since you don't want it to fail in
6 months and have to take the tranny cover off and drain the system again.

As to your specific question about the alloy vs. the cast - I'm not sure.  I
can tell you that when I ordered the repair kit I didn't notice the
descriptions above, but just ordered the repair kit for the 73-80 year which
was for the cast cylinder.  The parts in the repair kit fit fine and don't
leak so that either says my cylinder was a cast cylinder or the cast and
alloy cylinders are so similar (if not identical) that the gaskets in the
repair kit for the cast also fit fine in the alloy.  Sorry that's not much
more help.

79 Spitfire  

> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 23:56:59 EDT
> From: Metallian6@aol.com
> Subject: Need to replace slave cylinder
> Hi list. I hope this dose not show up 6 dozen more times. Anyway, I need
> to 
> replace the slave cylinder in Judas. I am looking at the fall issue of VB
> and 
> I see two possibilities. I am looking at page 109. My first question is
> what 
> is the difference between the alloy and the cast slave cylinder? Second,
> the 
> cast one shows it can be used on 73-80 models and the alloy says 67-72,
> but 
> the description above the list says the alloy is for 67-80 models. Can you
> see where I'm confused? The alloy is less expensive and if it is as good
> as 
> the cast then I would prefer to save a little money. Can someone tell me 
> whether or not an alloy can be used on my 79, VB has me a little confused
> on 
> this. Also, I forgot who told me that my slave cylinder was leaking fluid 
> into my bell housing, but I want to thank that person, you hit the problem
> right on the head. Also, thanks to the entire list. I'm glad there are so 
> many knowledgeable people here. If it wasn't for this list I would have a
> fun 
> time trying to figure out what was going wrong and how to fix it.
> Jamie & Judas

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