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RE: Mark IV RadiatorYOu

To: "'greg.tobin@wcom.com>'" <greg.tobin@wcom.com>
Subject: RE: Mark IV RadiatorYOu
From: Ben Bacon <Ben@HEI-KC.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:15:37 -0500
With no overdrive, at 65mph (4500rpm), 7500' elevation, and 95 deg temps
>(not now, during the summer...) it is just on the verge of overheating, and
>exhibits the usual stumbling, hesitancy, lack of power you get at that
>point.  An aside, it actually corresponds with the temp gauge, which is

OK, I think I have a partial answer for you.  At 7500'  the mass density of
air is quite a bit less then at sea level.  This has the effect of reducing
the heat rejection from the radiator to the air stream by oh about 20-25
percent.  The radiator  in effect has lost capacity due to the higher
elevation  and less dense air.   A 95 degree day has got to be real close to
the maximum air temp that the Triumph engineers designed the radiator for (
at sea leave in England).   I would say that your options would be to
install a larger (or recored) radiator, move to a lower elevation, or watch
the temp gauge during summer.   To be fair my spitfire runs a bit hot at
95-100 degrees and 4000-4500 RPM.

Just my two cents

Ben Bacon (with slide rule and hand)
79 spitfire (daily driver)

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