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Re: Title question - & consequences-& civil disobedience and getting the

To: "Scott Hall" <sch8489@garnet.acns.fsu.edu>,
Subject: Re: Title question - & consequences-& civil disobedience and getting the laws changed?
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 14:02:37 -0700
They make it more and more difficult to practice civil disobedience, eh?
(Which btw I was taught by my high school history teacher-Col. Rupp, God
bless him!)

This new California thing of them having their own smog shops and _making_ a
person go to them, and then -surprise-they fail and _have_ to pay what the
state says to bring up to smog code is such a ludicrous, thinly disguised
attempt at-for one thing-violating free commerce, and raising state
revenues! I know people with brand new cars who don't pass and are then
slapped with big bills to bring up to code. It doesn't just suck, it blows!
And I don't dee anything wrong in registering in a different state or doing
whatever one needs to do. Let the big industries bring _their_ equipment up
to code-and in the same gestapo fisted manner-and I'll gladly comply! ("Oh
dear, there she goes again on her 'big industry' soapbox!")

BTW, when one is on that intermible hold on the phone at my cell phone
company (I have to write down what it is I'm calling about-the hold is
sometimes so long and I forget!)-they give out numbers to call from one's
cell phone for information, emergencies of different sorts-and TO REPORT
shouting)-I'm always shocked and a little scared-what next-a number to
report people with democratic bumper stickers in a predominately republican
area? But I think I'll keep that number now, and everytime I'm on the 405
(or on the 5 going through the City of Industry)-I'll start calling to
report those oil company (amongst others) trucks.

Tee hee hee (evil laugh)

I'm done.

Laura G.
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Hall <sch8489@garnet.acns.fsu.edu>
To: Walt Fogle <foglew@hotmail.com>
Cc: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 1999 12:37 PM
Subject: RE: Title question - & consequences

> this idea sounds distinctly unamerican... ;-)
> bow to government bureaucracy, indeed.
> always remember folks, when dealing with any government agency: it's only
> wrong _if_you_get_caught_.  decide if getting caught justifies the penalty
> for yourself.
> scott
> (who has, in florida, where one lists on the title the sale price
> inorder to pay state sales tax, received several free cars)
> On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Walt Fogle wrote:
> >
> >
> > To the list:
> >
> > Recenly a couple in Washington state was convicted and fined (a whole
> > of money) for registering their RV in Oregon to avoid Washington's high,
> > yearly vehicle and license tax.  They had done this regularly for a few
> > years until a neighbor dropped a dime on them.
> >
> > What's the matter with watching your purchases to make sure you are
buying a
> > clear title?  If a vehicle lacks a title, don't buy it.  Or make the
> > jump through the hoops if wants to accept your offer.
> >
> > Just another option; legal.
> >
> >
> > Walt Fogle
> > '73 1500

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