Same problem here. I currently have a temporary fix with the help of super
glue, but it won't last long. I never understood why Triumph insisted on
such a flimsy mounting method for the rear view mirror. Anybody know why?
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 6:11 AM
Subject: Plastic Mirror Mount
Hi Gang. After my stupid brother-in-law bumped into Hobbs' driver's side
mirror and broke the head off, I decided to figure out why the interior
rearview mirror was so wobbly. Turns out there's a plastic doo-dad that the
mirror snugs into that screws to the center of the upper windshield frame
(rather than the mirror itself screwing in... sort of useless program, if
ask me). Anyway, this little plastic doo-dad has split and therefore the
mirror doesn't fit tight anymore. Anyone have one handy they want to send
a needy 77 Spit? Figured I'd waste bandwidth before checking the wrecking
yard or VB Catalog. Thanks!
Scott (& Hobbs, who can no longer look backward)