A few weeks back I installed a new seal kit on the brake master cylinder. I
only got to drive about a mile, and things were ok. Last weekend, I took the
car out for a longer run, about 20 miles, and had the following problem.
The brake pedal would get harder and harder to press down, and the front
brakes in particular were starting to stay closed, and the engine would be
fighting against the brakes bring always applied. Short term I resolved the
problem by unscrewing the brake line from the master cylinder a little, and
reducing the pressure in the brake system. Getting back home, I disassembled
the master cylinder, cleaned it, and re-assembled it. The same problem
remains, with the pressure in the brake system growing as I use the brakes
until I'm forced to stop, and release it through the connection between the
master cylinder and the brake line. I have bled the system, possibly not
very well, but this didn't change things.
Have you guys any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
1966 Spitfire Mk 2 (FC83365)