Phil Johnson wrote:
> In a word yes. So it is not just in the UK that the
> GT6 over-riders are being sold as Spitfire ones.
> Someone really has made a big mistake in identifying
> the part for remanufacture! Especially as there were
> only 15818 GT6 Mk1's ever made and 83162 Spitfire
> Mk1+2's made.
He bought one from Rimmer and the other from SpitBits. They are a
matched pair but don't fit. Nigel told me that they had a problem with
those remanufactured ones and doesn't handle them anymore. Instead, he
is buying (or taking in trade) old original ones and having them
rechromed. Seems like he said they were like $75 exchange.
> If he drills the front hinges higher, and gets some
> GT6 cranked bumper irons, then they will fit properly.
I already found him a replacement that he is going to have rechromed and
he can then use his NOS one that came with his car.
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