I've tried to keep quiet on the subject for a while now, but am finally
compelled to speak up... It seems like once again our formerly useful
mailing list has been seized by Chatty Cathy and Off Topic Tom. This
seems to happen every couple of months or so, I suspect it's related to
lunar cycles or something.
At any rate..
There are a ton of "Joke of the day" mailing lists for those of us
interested in such matters. Perhaps they might be a more appropriate
forum for the exchange of humor.
I'm sure that I speak for a vast majority of the listers who could pass
on the 20 or 30 "pointless" messages a day, the jokes, the chit-chat,
all of the "cutesy" crap and flirty nonsense.. I mean, if y'all want to
rub up against each other go ahead and do it off-line. Spare the rest
of us the download time and just reply directly to the sender. Believe
me, the rest of us aren't particularly interested.
Please folks, on-topic or off-list. It's not rocket science.
Thanks for the consideration,
SLCL914@aol.com wrote:
> i think the trick is to make them spitfire jokes...for example, "and then the
> Irishman says 'ya, that's what your buddies were trying to tell me', jumps in
> his '75 Spitfire1500, and drives off". see, that way everyone can be happy.
> personally, i thought the joke was a nice break from carbs and differentials
> all day, and the occasional jokes seem to prompt discussions like these that
> help us know each other a little better, and not just what kind of spitfire
> we drive or what problems we have with it.
> Stephen LaBonte
> '76 Spitfire(Monster), all kinds of problems...