Sorry for the late reply, was busy replacing clutch and rear main seal this
weekend, didn't check mail.
At one point I experienced the same symptoms, and a kind (and on the
ball)person on the list diagnosed that the points were grounded to the
distributor. I have to (sheepishly) admit that they were right, I had
installed the wires on the post with the insulating bit of plastic wrong.
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 1999 8:24 PM
Subject: No Spark Spit
I'm trying to get the new spit started. No spark, not anywhere.
Not from plug wires,not from HT lead.
Installed new coil, new points, and new condenser. still nada.
Wires to coil hooked up correctly. Voltage to coil ok. Voltage from coil ok.
wire from coil to distrib ok. Tried different plug wires from coil to
No good. Tried piece of wire from coil to ground, no luck. Don't know
gap for Spit. I set them at .014.
Is it possible that the new coil is bad? Or the condenser? Is
there any thing else Iv'e missed. Maybe utter some Incantations to the gods
of Lucas, Sacrafice a spark plug or somthing?
Anyway any help is welcome, and as always TIA. At Least I
thought of a name for the Spit
Ken Copeland
70 GT6+ KC78784
70 Spit FDU84919 (Sparky) :o)