At 06:25 PM 08/02/1999 -0400, Michael Altomare wrote:
>The 155SR13 tire is equivalent to 155/80R13.
Maybe not Michael,
Unless there is an "S" somewhere in the tire sidewall grade marking (such
as 155R13 78S) the tire is not speed rated for 112 MPH, which implies a
less robust construction.
The size height & diameter may be similar tho'.
Another, less-reliable, index of tire quality is the temperature rating on
the sidewall. The econo-crap tires will usually be a "C" while the speed
rated rubber will be marked "A" or "B". [This may only apply in the USA
where the 'gummint' makes us mold that stuff into the sidewall.]
Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire with Goodyear Corsa GT rubber, "S" rated. Sounds Faaasssttt!!!
>>Dumb question #1 for today:
>>How do you relate the "SR" on a 155SR13 to tire nomenclature commonly used
>>today? In most all tire ads I see there are no "SR" listings except for
>>some real "cheapie" tires for econo-boxes.
>>'79 Spitfire pilot