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Re: Famous Spitfire owners?

To: "Andrew Mace" <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>,
Subject: Re: Famous Spitfire owners?
From: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 14:15:03 +0100
The DPO of my Spit was in a band who supported Radio Head in Oxford Sound
City 1997.  He was going to do this just after he sold the car. Neer enough.

Oh and the blue mini in the Italian Job was, I believe, owned by a relation
of mine who worked for BMC as a photographer.  Don't know wether it was
before or after shouting, but they didn't distroy the star cars, they must
of used some basket cases.


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