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Re: My 2 cents on machine shops

To: Triumph TR 7 <tr7@primenet.com>
Subject: Re: My 2 cents on machine shops
From: John Suchak <suchak@mediaone.net>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 08:31:53 -0400
Triumph TR 7 wrote:
> Ironicaly around the place I saw 2 Triumphs around. One was a TR-3, and
> another one was something I couldn't identify. It looked like a bigger Spit,
> but with fins on the rear ends. Anyone knows what this is?
> Kids love the rich taste of web content!
> http://british.nerp.net

Take a look at a Daimler SP250 "Dart" sometime, it may have been one.. 
They're SO cool, big old honking V8.  Saw one at the VSC Historics at
Daytona last year, it sounded wild (until it retired with a bad motor

Neat car.


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