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Camber Compensator Status

To: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>, Harve Thorn <tthorn@comp.uark.edu>,
Subject: Camber Compensator Status
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 22:55:36 -0700
In an effort to keep costs down so I could stay in the $150 price range
that I am shooting for, I found it necessary to re-design the center
mount for the spring assembly.  The original design was a compound bend
and necessitated a lot of manual labor for each piece.  The only other
alternative was to pay over a thousand bucks for tooling to come up with
a die to have the piece stamped out.

My redesign incorporates two sharp bends and accomplishes the same
affect as the original design at a fraction of the manufacturing cost.

So, I am back on track and am shooting for the initial production run of
16 units to be available in about 3 weeks.  The reason for the limited
initial production run, is to ensure proper fit without committing to a
lot of scrap in case of problems.  Following that, it all works
properly, I can produce quantities as great as the demand dictates.

With all that in mind, I ask that those who want one of the first 16
units (Make that 15, Brad Kahler has spoken for Number 1) let me know
and I'll set aside units for those people.  Initial documentation will
likely be rather crude, but I plan to prepare an illustrated
installation guide after I have an operational prototype.  I will also
be able to quote shipping rates based on the actual shipping weight of
the kit.


P.S. Because of the initial investment in this project, I will have to
require advance payment for the kits in order to keep my cash flow in a
positive direction.
"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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