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To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Complacency
From: Fred Griffiths <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 07:52:07 -0600
Don't get complacent with your Spitfires!

        When my wife and I used to go out in the Spit, she'd take a 500 
page novel and I'd take the Haynes manual.  When (not if) something went 
wrong, she'd read the novel and I'd read the Haynes in one hand while 
fixing the problem.

        Lately the Spit has been behaving so well I leave the Haynes at 
home, and Wendy has started leaving the novel home.  Only yesterday she 
commented on how well the Spit was running!

        Wouldn't you know it - yesterday was hot and while motoring 
around the city the Spit lost all power.  I coasted into a parking lot - 
no shade anywhere.  While Wendy sat patiently, I unpluggged the fuel 
line and filter.  After several mouthfulls of rust, water and dirt we 
were on our way a little less complacent.

        Then last night on another run to the city I noticed the signal 
lights weren't working.  Checked the fuse - OK.  Today I'll start the 
wire and terminal checking routine.

I guess that's the Laws of British Cars (LBC's).
Don't get too complacent with your Spits!

Cheers, Fred
Fred & Wendy Griffiths
Calgary, Canada
mailto: griffco@cadvision.com

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