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Re: Got It!!

To: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Got It!!
From: Bob Norway <examiner@scci.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 13:07:34 -0400
Mark Gardner wrote:

> Hi Spitsters -
> Well I just got home from picking up my new (to me) '79 spit.  Drove it
> about 100 freeway miles from Orange County to Victorville (South to
> North of Los Angeles).  I sure am glad I waited and bought one with an
> overdrive (G).  But what would a post from me be without a question....
> The overdrive worked great and engaged very quickly, but at one point in
> the trip I flicked the switch to diengage the O/D, and it wouldn't.  I
> flicked the switch back and forth, still no disengage.  I left the
> switch in the "out" potition, and several miles later, it kicked out.  I
> engaged it again, no problem, and it disengaged easily.  But 10 or
> twenty miles later, the situation repeated itself.  Based on earlier
> advise from the list, I will check switch contacts, but this seemed to
> be related to how long the O/D had been engaged.  Does that make any
> sense to anybody?
> Does anyone know of a company that makes a nice gearshift knob that
> accomodates the O/D switch?  ( A search in Yahoo on "spitfire" and
> "gearshift knob" gives a script from "Home Improvement".)
> Pictures to follow next week.
> Regards,
> Mark Gardner

Congrats on your new toy..... My '76 with O/D does not and has not done what
you described, so I can't help you there. But, Vicky Brit (Catalog #SG28,
pg. 106) does have the gearshift components you need for a gearshift switch,
but will only work with a hollow shift lever so the wiring can go thru it.
Good luck.


Bob Norway
Rockledge, Florida
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