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tickets [ex Re: Porch!]

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: tickets [ex Re: Porch!]
From: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 12:00:57 -0700
If you go for a trial, instead of just paying, there's a good chance
the CHP won't want to actually go to court that day. Case dismissed.
It worked for two of my friends recently. They didn't even have
to go to court. They got notices in the mail that the CHP moved
to dismiss.
Worst case is that you have to pay anyway, and spend some time
with bureaucrats. While it probably isn't worthwhile in terms of
the time you spend vs what you get paid, it does keep the points off
you license and insurance. And if you do go to court, you
get the pleasure of knowing that they spent more on you
than you paid them.

(I am not a lawyer, and I'm not giving you legal advice. YMMV)

-Rights are like muscles. If you don't exercise them, they atrophy.-

Laura Gharazeddine wrote:
> LOL- Ha ha-that was a good one!
> Hmmm....I don't wear a hat when Nigel and I are out and about...
> Speaking of Nigel and I being out and about-we got our first (and hopefully
> last!) speeding ticket this morning! The CHP was really nice though-didn't
> cite me fo lack of rear view mirror or for the amount of noise my monzas
> make-was going 19 miles over the limit but gave me a ticket for 4!
> Complimented the car twice and mentioned how nice I was (Yeah-I'm nice!)
> Have a good day!
> Laura G.

Reed Mideke                                        rmideke@interbase.com

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