Didn't that open a can of worms? 'The guy' would like to thank all of you for
suggestions. Some he could live with, some wouldn't work in Canada.
For example
"find the rightful owner". Any suggestions on how?
"find a parts car..." Sounds the simplest.
"Explain the situation to the insurance company..." They don't have a
sympathetic ear.
I do know 'the guy' would like to register the vehicle legally as it is
early MK IV. I also know he spoke with the government insurance office
(similar to
Manitoba's) and was told huffily that they wouldn't do anything until it was
cleared up
by the RCMP. (so far they don't know who 'he' is though!)
'He' also knows that possession of stolen property is almost as bad as
stealing itself. So it would appear that although his son bought it in the
belief it
was legitimate, that would be no excuse in the law. The son, being only 19 and
no real property did not have a will.
As no work has been done on it, the loss of the car wouldn't be that
big, but
the loss of a very early model MK IV would be. Unless, as was suggested, once
it was
seized by police or insurance it could be bought back directly. Due to the
car's age
(28 years), and the fact that it has been lost for so long (about 17 years
according to
calculations), it probably wouldn't go to auction as a modern car would.
'The guy' wishes to thank all those in the US who offered a 'parts car'
commission plate. That isn't practical here though. I know, as I imported two
(car bodies!) some years ago. Only because I declared the commission numbers
at the
border with customs could I use them in restoration. Whew! Within Canada it
might not
be as difficult.
Thanks again for all the help. I think 'the guy' will ask a retired
acquaintance for some advice before he does anything drastic. In the meantime,
following other listers tradition of naming their cars, I think 'he' should
call this
one Kimball! Richard Kimball.
Thanks again, and
Cheers, Fred
Fred & Wendy Griffiths
Calgary, Canada
mailto: griffco@cadvision.com