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Re: Where did it go?

To: Spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Where did it go?
From: "R.D. Waid" <msp01091@isd.net>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 22:36:02 -0500
I cracked up when I saw this note from Nikolai Jaremka. I bought my '71 without
the nut and drove it around for half of the next summer before I decided to
change the water pump, which I thought was making an intermittent clanking noise
at idle. I had everything apart when I whimsically pulled on the crank pulley
which came off in my hand. OOPS.

Needless to say, the water pump was fine. I don't know how many years the car
had been without the pulley nut, but I do know that the previous owner changed
the fan belt before I bought the car and noticed nothing wrong.  He also
installed rear brake shoes (on one side only) upside down and backwards.

After buying a replacement nut from VB, I had to re-tighten it a couple of times
over the ist few months before it would stay put.

Bob Waid
71 Spitfire FK4081L
No longer clanking at idle.

Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 04:30:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: nikolai jaremka <njaremka@yahoo.com>
Subject: Where did it go?

some of you might find this amusing.  others, well read on...

yesterday, i went out to my spitfire as it sat in the garage,
and i opened the bonnet (hood) to check the oil and coolant. 
well, i looked at the front of the engine to see how much oil
was on everything down there, and i noticed that the big nut
that holds the crank pulley on was GONE!  i'm assuming that it
worked itself off while driving around this year, but i don't
remember hearing fall or anything.  so, what do you think?  i
remeber some of you talking about having to battle to get you
nut off with an impact wrench and what not, and here mine
decided it didn't want to ride along with me anymore and jump
off into the ditch somewhere.  anyone have any comments about
locking the new one on there?  i was thinkiing off smearing the
end of the crankshaft with locktite or something.  so, it
doesn't look like i'll be taking it out this weekend, at least
if i don't get the new nut by tomorrow...

nikolai jaremka
72 spitfire mkIV
east aurora, new york


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