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Re: That PDWA thingy

To: Chris DeStaffany <sjmeds@rockisland.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: That PDWA thingy
From: Sam Gentry <hsgentry@cfw.com>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 17:31:14 -0400
The DPWA just operates a switch that turns on the warning light.  Provided
the seals are OK there is no fluid switching or blocking action.  If the
seals are not OK then it will leak, Possibly from one curcuit to the other
and probably from the switch hole.  I have disassembled and repaired many
of these things.


At 10:47 AM 5/14/1999 -0700, Chris DeStaffany wrote:
>So when the PDWA shifts and lights the light, is that all it does or does it
>also alter where the fluid goes?  
>Chris DeStaffany
>1975 Spit
>1966 Herald

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