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RE: Re: Spitfire-Weber Question

To: earl56@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Re: Spitfire-Weber Question
From: MTAltomare@prodigy.net
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 04:43:55 -0800

I have a Weber 32/36 DGV (downdraft) carb mounted to a Canon
manifold on my '77 Spitfire.  The vacuum tap on the carb is at
the base where you described it.  You should use that tap as
the vacuum source for your advance unit, not the manifold.  I
was told by a Mallory tech rep (when I had a question about my
Mallory distributor) to never use the manifold as a vacuum source
for the vacuum advance unit.

Michael Altomare

--- Original Message ---
"Earl Smith" <earl56@hotmail.com> Wrote on 
Tue, 11 May 1999 14:40:37 GMT

That is where I hooked up my advance on the carb base and it
seems to work 
75,76,&79 spits

>From: SJagGo@aol.com
>Reply-To: SJagGo@aol.com
>To: spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject: Spitfire-Weber Question
>Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 00:55:23 EDT
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>From spitfires-owner@autox.team.net Mon May 10 22:01:35 1999
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>I recently purchased a used Weber carb.  It's a downdraft model,
but I 
>find any numbers.  Is there a place for the distributor vacuum
advance?  It
>appears there might be a port directly below the manual choke.
 There is a
>drilling with a hole in the center that extends into the bore.
 If there 
>a pipe attached to it, it has broken off.  Does anyone know
if this is the
>place to connect the distributor advance, or do I have to drill
and tap the
>Cannon manifold?  Thanks,
>Bill Brockschmidt

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