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RE: Hauling Service

To: "'Joe Curry'" <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: RE: Hauling Service
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 09:18:02 +0100
I was actually hoping Joe might be looking for someone to drive Huxley
down for him - that would save a return trip ;-)

(Hope my '77 isn't too jealous - but Huxley really looks beautiful!  Joe
- I hope some day I can own a Spitfire which is even half as nice!)

>From:  Joe Curry[SMTP:spitlist@gte.net]
>Sent:  08 May 1999 06:43
>To:    Flinthoof Ponypal
>Cc:    Spitfire List
>Subject:       Re: Hauling Service
>Nice Try, Dan!!!
>Flinthoof Ponypal wrote:
>> At 09:46 PM 5/7/99 -0700, Joe Curry wrote:
>> >
>> >Good News!
>> >
>> >Today we finally approved an offer on our house.  Subject to the
>> >inspection, we will be closing at the end of May.  But I have a
>> >problem.  Since I have 5 vehicles and only 3 drivers, I will be making
>> >an extra trip down to Tucson from Washington State.
>>         In order to make things easier, it's obvious you just need to leave
>> your spare parts behind locally so you can fit more cars in the trailer.
>> Now who will you give all those surplus parts to in Seattle, hmm?  :)
>>         Heck, you could even leave a car or two.  We won't mind.  We'll
>>give 'em a
>> good home.
>> -Vegaman Dan
>> -66/69 Spitthingy
>>  ________________________________________________________________________
>>  |             |   Equinart Studios * Furry Artist * Model Railroader   |
>>  |  Flinthoof  |--------------------------------------------------------|
>>  |    1999     |--------------------------------------------------------|
>>  |             |       ConiFur NorthWest '99- Furries in Seattle!       |
>>  |             |--------------------------------------------------------|
>>  | CONIFUR NW  |  Flinters@picarefy.com * www.picarefy.com/~flinthoof   |
>>  |_____________|________________________________________________________|
>"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
> -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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