my most interesting 'i smell gas!' incident was with a '69 pontiac lemans
i once had. i was in the gas station filling up and i started smelling
very strong gas fumes. for awhile i just figured it was the tank/pump
making the smell, but it kept getting stronger and stronger. i finally
looked under the car and there was a shore section of rubber gas line
in between the fuel tank and the copper line which ran forward to the engine
compartment that had several small holes in it which were squirting gas onto
the muffler. very scary ....
-- michael
On Wed, Apr 21, Laura G. wrote:
> Yep, can relate to the smell of gas! On my first spitty, there was a fuel
> pump incident. Thankfully, I was a block from a buddy's house-he had the
> only other spitifre in this small town. He was gone with his ship-so I went
> over, exchanged fuel pumps and was off again. When he got back, couldn't
> figure out what was up with his spitty as "but, it was finally running so
> well when I left."! (Tee hee hee!)
> It's ok-I fessed up and he got a big laugh.