Hey Scott...
Wouldn't that difference in thickness have an impact on pushrod length
as well? I don't have two to compare, but I'm thinking that with a
"thinner" head casting, the GT6 pushrods would be a shorter length too,
no? If old "Rudy" used those shorter pushrods with the TR head, it
would *have* to reduce both the lift and duration. (Again, this is all
conjecture on my part, but it sort of makes sense...)
So the net result would be a super low compression motor with a weasley
less-than-stock-profile cam.. no?
Of course, it'd probably be pretty apparent during assembly, and REALLY
noisy in operation, the odds are that it's not a problem in your motor.
If that's the case, you may have to shorten the pushrods if you mill a
ton out of the head and there's not enough adjustability in the rockers.
John (<--three cups of coffee and doing some big thinking!)