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Re: Replacing valve springs

To: trunnell@mindspring.com (Glenn Trunnell), Spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Replacing valve springs
From: jak0pab@jak10.med.navy.mil (Bowen, Patrick A. RP2)
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 08:52:47
Glenn,  If i remember correctly you can use small rope pushed into the
cylinder for this as well. (less noise from the air compressor and you
don't have to worry about not having a good enough seal.


At 06:25 PM 2/8/99 -0500, Glenn Trunnell wrote:
>Hey everone,
>I think that I've got the annoying miss in my '79 narrowed down to a weak
>valve spring.  I've done the test where you hold a dollar bill over the
>tail pipe and it snaps up against the pipe.  I had a valve job done about
>300 miles ago but unfortunately didn't replace the springs.  The
>compression is good on all cylinders so I don't believe that I have a
>burned exhaust valve, I also tried increasing the clearance on the rockers
>with no benefit.  I have been told that you can replace the springs without
>removing the head provided that you use an air compressor to keep the
>valves seated while you remove the keepers and springs.  Is there a valve
>spring tool that will allow you to compress the springs while the head is
>on the block? Has anyone ever tried this?  Any advice will be greatly
>Thanks as always,
Patrick Bowen
'79 Spitfire
Jacksonville FL

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