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Re: Hardtop mounting for a 1500

To: Mostrom.Paul@principal.com
Subject: Re: Hardtop mounting for a 1500
From: Bob Sykes <s1500@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 22:28:57 -0800
Fellow (factory) Hardtoppers,

Check the underside of your hardtop where it rests on the rear edge.
There used to be a rubber pad (about 1" by 1-1/2") surrounding each
bolt hole.  The purpose of these pads was to keep the hardtop (edge)
from resting on the rear deck (and damaging the paint).  Problem is:
They were only attached with a dab of glue, so eventually they fall
off.  If they didn't fall off, by now they've taken on a compression
set and are about 1/2 their original thickness.  Either way the
top ends up sitting too low, especially if you torque the rear bolts
much.  The foam rubber weatherstrip compresses pretty easily <g>.

It's not hard to cut some new pads out of some (relatively) hard
rubber.  The originals were about 1/4" thick, but I made a couple of
sets out of some ~1/2" thick rubber stock.  This made it a little
harder to get the rear bolts started, but once tightened, the top
seals nicely in the back and sits a comfortable distance off the
rear deck.

If you decide to try this and don't have an original pad left to use
as a guide, contact me (off-list) and I'll measure mine for you.

(who really really wished he didn't have the hard top on today)

On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:40:19 -0600 "Mostrom, Paul"
<Mostrom.Paul@principal.com> writes:
>I noticed that there was an exposed metal edge when I got the top and 
>wondering about that.  I thought that maybe there was a rubber seal 
>Obviously if you bought yours new, you would know!  Does anyone out 
>there have
>an idea how to avoid gouging the paint where the back of the top meets 
>the car
>around the back of the cockpit?

"Striving to be better, oft we mar what's well."
-- William Shakespeare

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