> What are recommendations for replacing the driver's side mirror? The
> mirror on my '77 spitfire "leaped" off the car. This occurred while it
> was alone in the garage. As I do not believe in ghosts, I suspect it is
> the result of an ill-gotten effort by the mirror to get out of the cold
> (actually, I guess the plan worked as I brought the mirror inside).
> Anyway, I have seen posts that suggested that some of the mirrors
> available have been of disappointing quality. Where did you get ones
> that were good? If someone has an original on a parts car in good
> condition, I may be interested in that (my original mirror was black;
> sort of a "bullet-type"). brent
On many models there really was no such thing as 'orignal mirrors' here in
North America. In many cases, mirrors were installed here by the North
American dealer. However, I would think that 'original' or 'period' mirrors
for a 77 Spit would be more likely the trapezoid-shaped, wing type of
mirror...probably with a black finish, rather than the bullet type you
describe. If this is correct, I believe a British company, Tex, is still
making these mirrors and most suppliers seem to have this type. The ones I
have seen seem to be of decent quality. Hope this helps.
Keith Stewart