OK listers,
My 71 Spit has been in restoration for 2 1/2 years, my wife has come to
literally hate it.
Sanding, Sanding, grinder noise, blown fuses from the mig, burnt up a brand
new pair of Levis with a torch (and yes I had them on), Smells-- Gas, Bondo,
Paint remover, 90 weight gear oil. And those wimpy Tupperware thingy's. You
know MEK just eats that stuff up !
I truly think that maybe she would like it better if it RAN !
The question is,
I actually tried to start it last weekend before the Ice storm and I have a
carb problem.
I removed the top and found out that I had the diaphragm in wrong plus the
piston was turned with the holes facing the side of the carb not toward the
intake. I fixed that, the car still won't run without giving it a shot of
raw fuel down the throat. I choked it, (not the wife) and I must have a
float setting wrong. Fuel poured from the bowl area. When I got the rebuild
kit there was a silver colored washer and a rubber washer that looked like
it should go under the brass cutoff for the floats. I only put in the Silver
one. I set the float level at 11/16" like it said but I still don't have
something set correctly.
Craig Smith
Any ideas.