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Re: That gasket blew my head away

To: James Carpenter <jc_carpenter@softhome.net>, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: That gasket blew my head away
From: "Jeffrey B. Williams" <jeffrey.williams@cwix.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 02:41:31 -0500
I may be banned....I may be flamed.... But political correctness is
officially dead since Clinton.... and I have to say this, cause I know that
more people than me have thought it... James... for chrissakes, please
please, please!!!!! ... learn to use the English language. I can only guess
that English is not your second language. I know you are not a bumbling
idiot, because your posts contain some very insightful,well thought out,
information. I just can't wade through the bad grammar and spelling anymore,
which seems to be so completely on purpose. One of the wisest people I ever
met taught me"...when you break rules ....DO IT EFFECTIVELY!!!"  So please
James, break the rules in some sort of resemblance to how smart you really

Proudly Politically Incorrect,
Jeffrey B. Williams
1973 Spitfire FM1694UO
Soon to be yello with black interior

P.S. I know you have spell check because of your(accurate and on the mark)
post about Outlook98.

P.S.S I am willing to take my lumps for this post.
-----Original Message-----
From: James Carpenter <jc_carpenter@softhome.net>
To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Date: Thursday, October 29, 1998 10:48 PM
Subject: That gasket blew my head away

>I keep on having to put water in my car, 1.5 L per journy infact.
>I can never seem to bleed away all the air.
>I start the car, it stays cold for 3 minuets then rockets up to red hot.
>Stop put in, releace the pressure, air blows though the filler bottel.  I
>can here water boiling in the block.  Fill up with 1.5 L of water, put the
>cap back on, no more probs untill it cools down again.
>So I checked for oil resembeling musterd. OIl's fine.
>So next a compression test.
>1 - 150
>2 - 150
>3 - 150
>4 - 160 and what appers to be water beaing squerted out of the cylinder.
>So I think I have got an extreamy slow blown head gasket under the studs
>that sureprise surprise I didn't like the way the torqued down, I came
>to stripping them infact.
>So the lession, don't take no for an answer from your cylinder head studs,
>just hope I havent stripped the block!
>I am unsure if to do this myself in the street (the landlord still has not
>cleared the garage) or get a mecanic(evil money grabing creatures that they
>are) to do it.  If I were at home it would be easy, but it's just doing it
>in the street that bothers me.
>The other thing that worise me is if its not a gasguet mabe it's a cracked
>block or head, my lovely new re-bore. OH NO!!!
>I knew I should not have put rad flush in the car!

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