Hi, folks!
I'm about to install a stainless exhaust system on Malibu Barbie's Dream
Car, and my first small tries at loosening the manifold nuts have left
me wondering how I'm going to get the four nuts closest to the center of
the manifold off. There's not room for a socket, and I'm not getting
enough leverage with an open end wrench. The lower rear nut is also
obscured, but I think I can move the water pipe enough to get to it.
Any hints from someone who has "been there, done that?"
Actually, I'd really rather have someone else do this not so fun job (so
they can fix any broken studs and worry about replacing the gasket that
leaks after 1500 miles), but no chain muffler shop in Atlanta will touch
a header. A suggestion here would be even more welcome.
And now for something completely different:
I may be moving to the Phoenix, AZ area in the near future, and I'd like
to hear from anyone who can tell me what I'm (well, more MBDC than me)
going to be in for, emission testing wise. In the Metro Atlanta area,
MBDC is exempt (she's a '73 1500), but I understand she'll have to be
tested in Phoenix. Would this be just a "sniffer" test or does she have
to pass a visual, too? Any other info about bringing her into the state
would also be much appreciated (Joe, I assume you'll be bringing your
Spit with you -- doors and all -- won't you?).
Schuyler E. Grace
* For topical application, only. Not to be *
* ~~~~~ / taken internally or used in combination *
* {:~{p>-| with other drugs or alcohol, except as di- *
* ~~~~~ \ rected by your shaman. Do not operate heavy *
* equipment unless you really know how. *