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Re: Question for a slow day on the list.

To: "Nathan Coraor" <ncoraor@csrlink.net>, "Tustin" <tustin@xmission.com>,
Subject: Re: Question for a slow day on the list.
From: "Dave Terrick" <dterrick@pangea.ca>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 08:42:08 -0500
We have indeed been down this road... it stands for Marmot!!!

This also explains its' absence on the larger displacement TR's as marmots
were simply not up to the task of motivating a TR series chassis.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Coraor <ncoraor@csrlink.net>
To: Tustin <tustin@xmission.com>; 'spitfires@autox.team.net'
Date: September 26, 1998 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: Question for a slow day on the list.

>I believe we've seen this string before... I think Andy Mace knew the
>answer to this one.
>At 05:54 PM 9/25/98 -0600, Tustin wrote:
>>I've often wondered what the "M" on my bonnet latches stands for.  I'm not
>>sure if it's present on the square-tails, but I know it is on round-tails.
>> My guess is that it stands for Michelotti, as in Giovanni Michelotti, but
>>I'm not sure.  Anyone know for sure?
>>'67 Spit (FD2045L) - rarin' to go on a LBC rally tomorrow, even in the

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