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Re: Rotary Spit as seen in Grass Roots Motorsports!

To: ISC@dcsi.net
Subject: Re: Rotary Spit as seen in Grass Roots Motorsports!
From: aeh53@juno.com (Andrew E. Henderson)
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:39:01 -0500
I've thought about it, but never got to the actual "let's seriously look
into this" stage.  Let me know what you find out!

Andy Henderson
'71 MKIV
On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 08:19:26 -0500 Jim Boyd <ISC@dcsi.net> writes:
>Hey Listers:
>I'm about to embark on the journey of a RX-7 13B transplant into a '68
>Spit, as seen in Grass Roots Motorsports magazine.
>Has anybody out there either done or considering doing this deed?  I'd 
>very interested in chatting privately about whnat pitfalls to avoid, 
>Jim Boyd
>International Sportscar Components
>Paradise, CA=A0 USA=A0=A0=A0 http://www.BritishPartsandCars.com=20

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