Alright...the season has begun somewhat slowly, but nonetheless in =
earnest. The California storms have subsided (for the most part) and =
the shows, meets and rallies are coming fast and furious. Don't be left =
out...come start off with a Funcours at tonight's meeting of the Triumph =
Travelers Sports Car Club. =20
As a general rule, we meet the first Wednesday night of the month, =
excluding January, at 8 p.m. Meetings are held at the Hewlett Packard =
in Santa Clara on Stevens Creek at Lawrence. Tonight and the next two =
meetings will have a three-part Funcours to help you prep for the =
upcoming shows. Funcours starts at 7 p.m., so come early and chat it =
up. We'll be looking for you.
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
Morgan Hill, CA
Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club
Publicity Director/Editor