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Re: GT6 Electrical Woes -- apology

To: DANMAS <DANMAS@aol.com>
Subject: Re: GT6 Electrical Woes -- apology
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 20:59:17 -0700
DANMAS wrote:
> In a message dated 4/22/98 10:16:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, spitlist@gte.net
> writes:
> > The circuit you mention is correct as you stated.  But not the circuit
> >  that I described.  The Wire is black with a purple stripe (horn is
> >  purple with black stripe).  This circuit connects the BRAKE "Failure"
> >  switch to the brake warning lamp and also th the oil pressure warning
> >  lamp.
> Joe,
> When you said "brake light circuit," I assumed you were talking about the stop
> lights.  Oh, well, they say hell hath no fury like an unjustified assumption!
> Looking through my GT6 schematics, I found no black/purple wire anywhere, and
> made another foolish assumption.  Often, on British wires, the stripe is as
> large as the background, making it impossible to tell if the wire is
> black/purple or purple/black, so I assumed Dee misread the colors.  This is a
> common error, and one that is very easy to make.  On my GT6 schematics, the
> brake failure switch/warning lamp wires are white and white/black, the same as
> in a TR6 or an MGB.  After your note, I pulled the few Spitfire schematics I
> have, and found that the wire from the failure switch to the lamp is indeed
> black/purple -- one of the few times that the color code on one British car
> differs that much from another.
> So, the question remains -- what is that wire with some black on it and some
> purple on it?  Did they change the GT6 wiring at some point, some with a
> white/black wire and some with a black/purple wire for the failure switch?  I
> dunno!  The schematics I have are labeled "GT6 Mark 1" and GT6 Plus."
> If your Haynes manual shows black/purple for a Mark lll, then I guess that
> settles that!  Black/purple it is!
> With apologies for my error,
You of all people have no reason to appologize.  With all the help you
have given all this time, it's quite human to miss something once in a

As for the color differences, they apparantly changed those colors with
the Mk3, since the previous models (Mk1/Mk2/GT6+) were white with black
stripes as you mention is pretty common.  Why they changed is anybody's

Joe Curry

"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."

 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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