Try joining the yahoo group (it's new! and replaces this one) at Post to there, most of us are on that
list exclusively now (I'm not). Oh, but what the other guy said is
right. If it won't even turn over, it's not the DIS/CPS/anything like
that. Battery, Starter, Cables, Solenoid. In that order. Rust on the
terminals will cause it to not turn. Once you get it to turn well, I
would suspect wiring. CPS and cam sensor are the only two things that
will fail intermittently like that. Wiring/terminal/lead might be
bad/rusted. Have fun with that one, it's hell.
Beisler Jonathon - Jacksonville wrote:
> So, not one comment or idea on this? I can't have stumped all of you....
>> Okay, this involves the 94 ATX that I sold last year. The person is
> describing to me what sounds like a crank sensor failure. The car will
> sometimes start, sometimes not. It's not related to heat though. Sometimes
> the car will start when cold sometimes hot. There really isn't a pattern.
> The difference that I can think of is that it didn't really happen for a month
> or more and then it started happening more frequently. Now the car is dead in
> the water. It won't crank or anything, so I'm thinking there might be more
> wrong. The dealer she went to said that the entire wiring harness was bad. I
> can't imagine that. If the DIS module was loose, it wouldn't keep the car
> from cranking would it? I know it's hard to diagnose something from third
> party ramblings, but does anyone have any ideas that I might suggest to her?
> She's moved to Birmingham, and I'm in Florida, so I can't even get a look at
> the car myself. The crank sensor is two years old and about 40,000 miles. I
> replaced everything on the front at that time. They usually last longer than
> that, yes? She mentioned that she had the transmission rebuilt right before
> this started, is there something that could have been pulled loose or not
> reconnected that could have caused this?
>> Thanks for any ideas,
>> JB
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