I not-so-humbly disagree.
Like Paul Fisher, I'm on a few Yahoo Groups and I see zero spam or
"crap". There are no ads anywhere in the messages (unless you count
"send an email to whatever@yahoo-groups to post/sub/unsub").
Methinks the VOD is getting old and cranky. Yahoo Groups must have
changed a lot since the last time you looked at them. =)
Jon Heese
Ron Porter wrote:
> The Yahoo Groups suck IMNSHO, are WAY too public with the spam and other
> crap on the pages, and remind me WAY too much of a Forum.
> Just my VOD opinion. The old SHO group there seemed to get nothing but Spam
> over time as the volume of real messages dwindled
> Ron Porter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph van Oss [mailto:vanOss@centurytel.net]
> Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:12 PM
> To: TechSHO@topica.com
> Subject: Re: List Unity
> Okay, here goes. Those of you who are willing to migrate to a combined
> list, please visit:
> http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/v6sho/
> Joseph van Oss
> ----- Original Message -----
> I'm on two DeLorean lists that make use of the Yahoo! Groups system and
> it sounds like it's pretty close to what you ask for here.
> It allows email delivery (which I use virtually exclusively) as well as
> a web-based viewing system. It's totally free to set up and use, there
> are no annoying ads inserted in the messages, and it supposedly allows
> attachments (though I don't believe I've ever seen or used this
> functionality).
> http://groups.yahoo.com
> PFish already suggested this over on SHOTimes, and I'm seconding his
> suggestion here.
> Regards,
> Jon Heese
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