Early '89 cars had chrome strips on the interior door panels (Hey, they were in
the parts bin)
There were also minor changes to the under-hood insulation. I have two
different panels from two 11/88 cars and I've seen a third minor change. It
seems that Ford placed the hood a wee bit close to the intake, and they didn't
figure out how to get enough clearance until later in the production run.
Most importantly, 01/89 marked the changeover to an aluminum heater core, but
Ford didn't bother to ground it, leading to accelerated corrosion and the
annoying pinhole leak problem. Before that it was a copper/brass affair, and
any electrolytic action in the cooling system would result in material
deposited in the core, not material removed from the core.
Also, I had two different color/hardness bushings on my strut rods between the
two cars, but had no record of previous owners changing them. Again, whatever
is in the parts bin to get the next car off the line. Atlanta wasn't really
known as the quality capital of the assembly plants.
-Rich Bruso
89 Black (Lola)
89 Silver (parts)
Sierra Vista, AZ
---- Mark Mucher <mmucher@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Mine is a December car - I didn't know there was a difference except "Premium
>Fuel Required" (mine)
> What else?
> Thanks,
> mm in sunny FL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: shotimes-admin@autox.team.net [mailto:shotimes-admin@autox.team.net] On
>Behalf Of Rich Bruso
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:58 AM
> To: shotimes@autox.team.net
> Subject: RE: [Shotimes] Best SHO (was Global Warming)
> Any '89 made after January is an abomination unto..well, someone. Or
>something. Okay, the religious angle isn't well thought out, but...
> --
> -Rich Bruso
> 89 Black (Lola)
> 89 Silver (parts)
> Sierra Vista, AZ
> ---- Mark Mucher <mmucher@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> > I'd tend to agree - esp the white Plus.
> >
> > (OF course the '89s were the fastest, and unburdened by those pesky
> > ABS brakes and air bags.)
> >
> > mm in sunny FL
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