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[Shotimes] Grandson and the Army

To: "'SHO'" <>, Shotimes <>
Subject: [Shotimes] Grandson and the Army
From: "D. Mallinson" <>
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2006 11:56:36 -0500
Spent two hot days at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri this week.  My 
step-grandson graduated from Army Basic training and we went down to 
show support.

What a patriotic time we had.  First, this group was mainly 17 year-olds 
that still had to get their high school diploma (or GED) but had decided 
that the military was how they were going to continue on.  More power to 
them.  Almost 200 young men and women really looked proud and relieved 
to be past basic training.

Rocky (my grandson) passed marksmanship, but got a top award for hand 
grenades! Was also voted squad leader three times.   Guess I won't be 
getting into a hand grenade fight with him anytime soon.

Really impressive how they have the Company of almost 200 march towards 
all the relatives assembled in a parking lot.  Chants, yells and more 
along with the Company flags.  Then they demonstrate the way the three 
Platoons have their own yells and chants.

Never seen a more polite or better dressed group of 17 year olds!

The graduation ceremony was also impressive with all the Sergeants going 
through the routines.  The base was clean and neat, we all went bowling 
the first night, and all Rocky wanted to do was EAT when he got off the 
base.  In Basic they keep them under very tight control and they don't 
get any privileges, or very few.  This is a skinny kid anyway, and he 
lost weight that he worked hard to put on before going in.  Now he is 
trying to "bulk up" once more.  Sure wish I had that problem!  :)

Anyway we were real proud of him and all the others.  As the Company 
Commander told us though, don't listen to the news, or don't believe 
it.  He told us that rarely if ever will the hundreds of GOOd things 
that our soldiers do or accomplish every day be talked about on the 
news, only the few bad things.  have to agree with him.

Don Mallinson
Shotimes mailing list

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