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[Shotimes] RE: Way (OT) Some Interesting Mid-Ohio track vids

To: <>, "'Shotimes'" <>
Subject: [Shotimes] RE: Way (OT) Some Interesting Mid-Ohio track vids
From: "Dave Kegel" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 13:20:32 -0500
I can relate to that sound.  Many of you know about my front rotor
explosion last year, but I also had a rear caliper bracket break on me a
month or so back.  Nasty.  In both cases, a very similar sound as to
what was on that video.

Dave "I hate brakes" Kegel

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Porter [] 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 11:05 AM
To: Shotimes; V8List SHO; SHO Tech
Subject: Way (OT) Some Interesting Mid-Ohio track vids

In this next video in a subsequent practice session, a rear caliper
exploded at the end of the main straight! You never want to hear this
sound!! They suspect it was due to collateral damage from the earlier
wreck (see above):
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